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IELTS Speaking Course

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  1. Introduction to the speaking test

    Welcome to the speaking course
  2. Introduction to the speaking test
  3. Part 1 - Model Answers
    Tell me about the house or apartment you live in.
  4. Have you lived in this home for a long time?
  5. Is there anything you would like to change about your home?
  6. What do you like about the city that you currently live in?
  7. Have you always lived in the same town or city?
  8. Would you always like to live in this city?
  9. Do you work or study?
  10. Have you been doing your job for a long time?
  11. Why did you choose this work?
  12. What would make your work easier?
  13. Can you describe a typical working day?
  14. Have you ever lived in a foreign country?
  15. Do you like taking photos?
  16. Which do you prefer, taking photos or being in photos?
  17. Do you like to stay up late?
  18. Did you stay up late when you were a child?
  19. What do you usually do on weekends?
  20. Part 2
    Part 2- Tips
  21. Part 2- Model Answers
    Describe a special holiday you have had.
  22. Describe a film that you watched recently.
  23. Describe an outdoor sport that you would like to try for the first time.
  24. Describe an unusual classroom lesson you have had.
  25. Describe a time you spent a long time travelling from one place to another.
  26. Describe a place that you would like to visit.
  27. Describe a pet animal that you know.
  28. Describe a public place you go to that you find relaxing.
  29. Describe a habit that you have.
  30. Describe an object that you own that is special to you.
  31. Part 3
    Part 3- Tips
  32. Part 3- Model Answers
    Why do some people like to play computer games in their spare time?
  33. Why is free time so important?
  34. How should schools teach children to look after their health?
  35. How important is motivation when learning something new?
  36. Do you think all of today’s jobs could be done by robots?
  37. What kind of people like to live in a foreign country?
  38. What can make living in a foreign country exciting?
  39. What can make it difficult to form close relationships in a foreign country?
  40. How do you think mobile phones have changed the way that people take photos?
  41. Role Models
  42. Habits
  43. End of the course
    End of the course, what's next...
Lesson 40 of 43
In Progress

How do you think mobile phones have changed the way that people take photos?

Useful Vocabulary

A mobile phone that has good overall performance, including features like a reliable camera, sufficient storage, fast processing speed, and a durable build.

With a decent smartphone, anyone can take a professional-looking photo.

A fast, informal photograph taken without much preparation or thought.

It’s easy to take a quick snap and share it to social media.

Something you do regularly in the past.

We used to take photos of interesting objects.

A phrase used to describe a habit or a usual behaviour.

Nowadays, we tend to take more photos of food.

How do you think mobile phones have changed the way that people take photos?

Right, well, I guess nowadays, with a decent smartphone, anyone can take a pretty professional-looking photo. I think smartphones have meant that people take a lot more photos because- well- they always have their phone on them and it’s super easy to take a quick snap and instantly share it with your friends through apps like Instagram and Facebook. It seems to me that we have also changed what we take photos of. We used to take photos of things that we find interesting, and we still do that… But we also tend to take a lot more selfies as well.

How do you think mobile phones have changed the way that people take photos?


  1. In this regard, mobile phones have changed the way that people take photos. I think with a decent smartphone, it is very reliable for people to take pictures and so looking pretty and attractive because of the hight quality of the cell phones. And it looks like the real one even it is a photo, also people used to have fun and enjoying to take it more and keep it at anytime as you want or select the one you love and keep it as memory or souvenir of the events. It doesn’t matter either you are a professional or not. More to that, people are fun of it, taking a quick snaps and share it immediately to social media without reflecting that was it more interesting if l share it to the mass media or not. Then people are just exciting to share whatever they see even rushing to be first to share it. I think also that people shared a lot of things happen because of that attitude to take a quick snaps and send it on Facebook so people can comment and talk about it. For my opinion, because we are using so much and spend time on social media like Facebook, Instagram, Tiktok, WhatsApp and so on and so far, we need to select in what we post and in what we want to share so that things we send will reach to the entire people and help the user or the wier to take some awareness of things or knowledge can improve our skills like YouTube shared something interesting… etc.. We used to take photos of things that can help people in one or other but nowadays, people do take more photos about themselves or in what we’re doing. In other hand it good and useful for some people according the intention of which you sent and share about. For example some people are sharing their talent on doing things and other people can learn and take a benefit from it and use as a resources for them. Biside of that people, people tend to take more photos about themselves or selfies to create awareness in what they do and like to post to the mass media so that people can see it quick, talk about it and how many people have seen it. It’s like a competition too to the others people and increase their awareness.
    In conclusion, mobile phones have changed the way that people take photos and shared it on social media or to their friends or family. In other hand, it is not everything that people take quick snap and shared to the social media can help. So because of that we need to select in what take and share with because other can you use it to do something terrible and against the intention of the owner.

    1. In this regard, mobile phones have changed the way that people take photos. I think with a decent smartphone, it is very reliable for people to take pictures and look pretty and attractive because of the high quality of cell phones. It looks like the real thing even though it is a photo. Also, people have fun and enjoy taking photos more, keeping them anytime they want to select the ones they love and keep them as memories or souvenirs of events. It doesn’t matter whether you are a professional or not. Furthermore, people enjoy taking quick snaps and immediately sharing them on social media without considering whether it would be more interesting to share it with mass media. People are just excited to share whatever they see, even rushing to be the first to share it. I believe that people share a lot of things that happen because of this attitude of taking quick snaps and sending them on Facebook so that people can comment and talk about them. In my opinion, as we spend a lot of time on social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram, Tiktok, and WhatsApp, we need to be selective in what we post and share so that the things we share reach a wide audience and help users gain awareness or knowledge that can improve our skills, like YouTube sharing something interesting, etc. We used to take photos of things that can help others in one way or another, but nowadays people take more photos of themselves or what they are doing. On the other hand, it is good and useful for some people, depending on the intention behind what is being shared. For example, some people share their talents in doing things, which others can learn from and benefit from as a resource. Besides that, people tend to take more selfies to create awareness about what they are doing and like to post them on social media so that people can quickly see, talk about them, and see how many people have viewed them. It’s like a competition for others and increases their awareness. In conclusion, mobile phones have changed the way

              1. You’re welcome! It seems like you might have missed answering the question. Please feel free to share your thoughts on how mobile phones have changed the way people take photos. If you need any help with your response, just let me know!

      1. Don’t worry, I can definitely help you with that! To answer the question about how mobile phones have changed the way people take photos, you can think about aspects like convenience, accessibility, editing capabilities, and sharing options that mobile phones provide compared to traditional cameras. Feel free to share your thoughts on these points in your response. Good luck!

        1. Well, mobile phones have changed the way that people take photos.
          First of all, mobile phones are become one thing that everyone has it or a need that people should have it. It is a most fastest that people have used and still using it to communicate, to accross information, to do a business especially bring people more closer to each other by using many apps. Like Facebook, tiktok, Instagram, WhatsApp.. etc.. It has carried all things you can have like camera with a nice and bright, people can take a pretty photos, having a large storage they can keep as long as they want their photos, documents and all the like. Also having all the apps people can use to require knowledge….. And so on and so far. Mostly people always have it with them and it’s fits the people pocket. It doesn’t require any manual adjustment before they want to take a photos.
          Secondly, it is a divice that anyone can easily manipulate, use. It doesn’t take much time to learn but by their descovery and their efforts, they became a professional photographer making their effort. When they take a photo it looks like the real one as it is a decent smartphone. For instance they take a snapshot photo and very pretty and look like a professional photographer from. Outside. Due to that it has reduced the value of a photographer as people no longer looking for a photo grapher to take photos during some events but they do it with their decent smartphone.
          Thirdly, people can édit at anytime or adjust their photos, the place, the area, the color to be bright or less. Also there is an app people can download to use on photos like workbook, giving an amazing picture and pretty photos. It is easier to retake many as much as they want, cropping, changing the position as well.
          In conclusion, mobile phones have changed the way that people take photos.

          1. Well, mobile phones have changed the way that people take photos. First of all, mobile phones have become something that everyone has or a necessity that people should have. It is the fastest way that people use to communicate, to access information, to do business, especially bringing people closer to each other by using many apps like Facebook, TikTok, Instagram, WhatsApp, etc. It has everything you need, like a camera with good quality, allowing people to take pretty photos, and a large storage capacity to keep their photos and documents for as long as they want. Also, with all the available apps, people can acquire knowledge and so much more. Most people always have their mobile phones with them, and it fits in their pocket. It doesn’t require any manual adjustments before taking a photo. Secondly, it is a device that anyone can easily manipulate and use. It doesn’t take much time to learn how to use it, but with practice and effort, people can become like professional photographers. When they take a photo, it looks realistic, as modern smartphones have high-quality cameras. For example, a snapshot photo can look very pretty and professional. Due to this, it has reduced the need for a photographer, as people no longer always seek out a photographer for events, but use their smartphones instead. Thirdly, people can edit or adjust their photos at any time, changing aspects like the place, area, or brightness. There are also apps available for download that can be used to enhance photos, providing amazing and pretty pictures. It’s easy to take multiple photos, crop them, and change their position as desired. In conclusion, mobile phones have indeed changed the way people take photos.

              1. I didn’t see where the answer to the question was written. Could you please provide your response to the question “How do you think mobile phones have changed the way that people take photos?” so I can give you feedback on it?

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