Did you know that the average IELTS writing score is only 5.5?
We want to change that
1 x Essay Feedback
Task 1 or Task 2-
Feedback within 48 hours
Band Score Indication
Error Correction
5 x Essay Feedback
Task 1 or Task 2-
Feedback within 48 hours
Band Score Indication
Error Correction
How it Works
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What's Included in your Feedback?
Band Score Indication
Band Score Indication
Your writing will be analysed and you will be shown what band score you would get in each category of the band descriptors: Task Achievement, Coherence and Cohesion, Lexical Resource, and Grammatical Range and Accuracy.

Personalised Feedback
Personalised Feedback
Your feedback will show you what you do well and which areas you need to improve on to get your target score. You'll be directed to resources that will help you master those skills. This is professional feedback from teachers who have spent years preparing IELTS students.

Expert Feedback
Expert Feedback
Your essay will be evaluated by Roy. Roy scored Band 9 in IELTS Writing and has been an IELTS teacher for many years.

Why Choose English Pro Tips?
Common Questions
Please allow 48 hours for us to send you your feedback. On very rare occasions, it may take longer than 48 hours.
Yes. Your writing will be assessed by Roy who is a a highly experienced and qualified IELTS teacher. Roy has scored Band 9 in IELTS writing. Roy prides himself on offering concise and effective advice to make sure that you can perform as well as possible during your IELTS writing test.
The price is for one task 1 or one task 2 evaluation.
You can pay by card. The price is in dollars but you will be charged in your local currency.
Want to know more about our essay correction service? Send an email to info@englishprotips.com