The table presents the differences of citizens who drank soft drinks per day during a week period in 2009 in England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland.
Overall, the total rare who drank soft drinks per day in the United Kingdom is from 39% to 51%. The top of the list of drinking soft drinks was Scotland people (51%). Wales and England people followed by, with 45% and 40%, respectively. The bottom of the list is Northern Ireland, only 39% of people drank soft drinks every day. Furthermore, Coca-Cola was the most popular soft drink in Wales, Northern Ireland, and England; albeit in Scotland Irn-Bru was the most popular one.
In England, 16% of people reported that they drank Coca-Cola, which was twice as popular as Pepsi (8%). Only 7% of them said they drank Fanta. Sprite was just ahead of Irn-Bru, with 5% and 4%, respectively.
In Scotland, the most popular soft drink was Irn-Bru (23%). In second place was Coca-Cola (11%). Pepsi was just ahead of Fanta, with 7% and 6%, respectively. The bottom of the list was Sprite, only 4% of people said they drank it.
In Wales, 20% of people reported that they drank Coca-Cola, 8% of people drank Pepsi and 5% of people drank Fanta. People who drank sprite as the same number as people who drank Irn-Bru,6%.
Finally, in Northern Ireland, Coca-Cola (18%) was the most popular soft drink, with sprite(7%), Fanta(6%), Pepsi(5%). Irn-Bru(3%) was on the bottom of the list.

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Very nice Zheng Li ????
+ Clear introduction
+ Clear overview
+ Some very nice comparisons of the data: “In England, 16% of people reported that they drank Coca-Cola, which was twice as popular as Pepsi (8%).”
+ Good use of reported speech: “of people reported that they drank Coca-Cola”
– Can you group the countries into paragraphs
– Some of your vocabulary is confusing: “total rare who” what is “rare”? – this will lower your score dramatically for Lexical Resource.
– Revise how to turn countries into adjectives: e.g. “was Scotland people” (Scottish people). This will help you: