The table shows the proposition of the respondents who drank soft drinks every day over seven days period in 2019 in the four countries of the united kingdom respondents.
Overall, Scotland people who drank ( 51 % ) more soft drinks compared with the other three countries people, Wales ( 45 % ), England (40 % ) and last Northern Ireland ( 39% ).
Firstly, Wales country persons who drank more coca-cola 20 %, Northern Ireland 18%, England 16 %, Scotland 11 %.
Secondly, Pepsi, England and Wales people drank as same as 8 %, Scotland 7%’Northern Ireland 5%.
Fanta, England 7%, the same amount taken by Scotland and Northern Ireland people ( 6% each country), least amount 5% taken by Wales respondents.
Sprite , Each country had less one percentage Northern Ireland 7%,Wales 6%, England 5% and 4 % in Scotland .
Finally, Scotland people who took more soft drinks Irn- Bru 23 %,6% in Wales,England 4% and least 3% in northern ireland.

Sathiya bama
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- Very clever ideas. They clearly relate to the question.
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- Your introduction/overview is really good. However, I think ______ is a mistake. It should be _________.
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+ Good introduction. However, remember to capitalise countries like the United Kingdom
+ Good overview. However, you might want to mention that coca-cola is the most popular drink everywhere apart from Scotland
– You don’t need a space between brackets and percentage.
– Check how to turn countries into adjectives. Here is a resource to help you:
– This is not a good sentence structure: “Fanta, England 7%, the same amount taken by Scotland and Northern Ireland people ( 6% each country), least amount 5% taken by Wales respondents.”
– Be careful with your punctuation: “Sprite , Each”
Thank you for your feedback Eli sir, I will correct it.
Nice answer!
Watch Eli’s video on You tube to learn the structures of Conditional sentences. Also, he explains the usage of punctuation that really helps. Try to practice while he explains.
Good Luck