This table depicts the outcomes of a survey on the soft drinks consumption percentage amongst UK residents daily over a week. The survey was conducted on the inhabitants of four countries of the United Kingdom and the results were pretty shocking as almost half of the population drank soft drinks from companies like Coca-Cola, Pepsi, Fanta, Sprite, and Irn-bru.
As per the above survey, the largest consumption trend was noted among the people of Scotland wherein they had heavy usage of Irn-Bru, which constitutes about 23%. Coca-Cola ranked the second here with almost 11% of people relying on it on a daily basis. Pepsi, Fanta, and Sprite also had their fair share in contribution wherein seven, six, and four percent of people drank it respectively.
Utilization of soft drinks in daily routine was least common amidst Northern Ireland residents wherein they just had 3% of Irn-Bru as opposed to the 23% by Scotlanders. But, they drank more Coca-Cola and Sprite than them, which amounts to 18 and 7% respectively.
The inhabitants of England and Wales both had Coca-Cola as their greatest consumed drink and had cut down on all other drinks in the survey below 10%, compounding towards 40% and 45% respectively. Pepsi consumption rate was also the same amongst people in both these countries of the UK.

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