The fuel characterists of vehicles registered in Norway were presented in 3 pie charts considering the proportion of fully electric, hybrid (eletric and petrol) and diesel in 2008, then after one decade and at last, a prediction for more ten years.
Overall, we can see a great change happening between the first graph and twenty years after. Fosil energy were dominant in 2008, at 99% and in 2028, it wil be represented in only 38% of the cases. A cleaner energy will be dominant in the future and a fully eletric vehicles will stay in the first position in the transport market.
Initially, there wasn´t any fully electric automobiles and an extremelly lower percentage of hybrid vehicles, only at 1%. The most significant energy consumption came from carbon derivates like petrol (69%) and diesel (30%). After 1 decade, an increase of a cleaner energy were presented, and a relevant rise from 1% up to 11% of hybrid and a mark at 4% of fully eletric vehicles. A down trend in petrol registered vehicles were demonstrated, plus an extremelly decrease from 69% in 2008 to 39% in 2018 and a prediction of only 11% in 2028. Another significant change were presented by a rise in diesel vehicles, from 30% in 2008 to 46% in 2018, however in 2028, this representation will reach only 27% and will be lower than in the first chart.
As a prediction, the third pie chart, shows that 62% of all vehicles will be hybrid and fully eletric and the petrol ones will be represented in only 11% of its.

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- Wow, I wish I could write like this. Can you give me some tips?
- This is a really good answer, I can’t see any mistakes.
- Great vocabulary, I didn’t know the word _____ and ______.
- Very clever ideas. They clearly relate to the question.
- Your grammar is very good. However, I think you made a mistake in the sentence _______. I think it should be _______.
- Your introduction/overview is really good. However, I think ______ is a mistake. It should be _________.
- In general, your spelling is good but you misspelled the word ______.
Nice answer Rafaella!
+ Lots of great vocabulary: “most significant consumption”, “dominant in the future”
+ Lots of good linking words: “initially”, “After 1 decade” (although you should write it as “one”)
– Some of your vocabulary is confusing: “and a mark at 4% of fully eletric vehicles” (it is not clear what “mark” is), “the petrol ones will be represented in only 11% of its” (“its” causes confusion)
– Your introduction could be clearer. Maybe break this down into 2 sentences.
– Be careful with spelling: extremelly (extremely), eletric (electric)
Try reading some of the other student essays on this graph.