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IELTS Speaking Course

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  1. Introduction to the speaking test

    Welcome to the speaking course
  2. Introduction to the speaking test
  3. Part 1 - Model Answers
    Tell me about the house or apartment you live in.
  4. Have you lived in this home for a long time?
  5. Is there anything you would like to change about your home?
  6. What do you like about the city that you currently live in?
  7. Have you always lived in the same town or city?
  8. Would you always like to live in this city?
  9. Do you work or study?
  10. Have you been doing your job for a long time?
  11. Why did you choose this work?
  12. What would make your work easier?
  13. Can you describe a typical working day?
  14. Living in a Foreign Country
  15. Have you ever lived in a foreign country?
  16. Taking Photos
  17. Driving
  18. Pets
  19. Mobile Apps
  20. Clothing Brands
  21. Weekends
  22. Restaurants
  23. Desserts
  24. Part 2
    Part 2- Tips
  25. Part 2- Model Answers
    Describe a time you spent a long time travelling from one place to another.
  26. Describe a place that you would like to visit.
  27. Describe a pet animal that you know.
  28. Describe a public place you go to that you find relaxing.
  29. Describe a habit that you have.
  30. Describe an object that you own that is special to you.
  31. Describe an unusual classroom lesson you have had.
  32. Describe a film that you watched recently.
  33. Describe an outdoor sport that you would like to try for the first time.
  34. Describe a special holiday you have had.
  35. Part 3
    Part 3- Tips
  36. Part 3- Model Answers
    Why do some people like to play computer games in their spare time?
  37. Why is free time so important?
  38. How should schools teach children to look after their health?
  39. How important is motivation when learning something new?
  40. Do you think all of today’s jobs could be done by robots?
  41. What kind of people like to live in a foreign country?
  42. What can make living in a foreign country exciting?
  43. What can make it difficult to form close relationships in a foreign country?
  44. Role Models
  45. Habits
  46. End of the course
    End of the course, what's next...
Lesson 38 of 46
In Progress

How should schools teach children to look after their health?

Useful Vocabulary

Alternative to “That’s a difficult question”.

Tricky question. I guess one thing they can do is…”

Alternative to “I think”.

I guess one thing they can do is to have classes where they teach activities that are good for children’s health.”

To extend one’s limbs, muscles, or the body itself to improve flexibility and reduce stiffness.

“They can have sports classes where children learn how to effectively stretch after exercising.”

Used to introduce a statement that is sincere, revealing one’s true thoughts or feelings.

To be honest, I think these types of immersive activities would be more effective…”

Experiences or tasks that fully engage and involve someone in active participation.

“I think these types of immersive activities would be more effective than simply telling children how important it is to look after their health.”

Abilities acquired through practice, useful in everyday tasks or specific activities, such as cooking, driving, and using the computer.

“I think these types of immersive activities would be more effective than simply telling children how important it is to look after their health because they’re actually learning practical skills.”

How should schools teach children to look after their health?
Tricky question. I guess one thing they can do is to have classes where they teach activities that are good for children’s health. For example, they can have cooking classes where children learn to cook healthy food or sports classes where children learn how to effectively stretch after exercising. To be honest, I think these types of immersive activities would be more effective than simply telling children how important it is to look after their health because they’re actually learning practical skills.

How should schools teach children to look after their health?


  1. Tricky question. I guess they should to have lots of sports classes like physical education classes. In these classes they should to teach students how to stretch effectively.

    1. Tricky question. I guess they should have lots of sports classes like physical education classes. In these classes, they should teach students how to stretch effectively.

      Feedback: Your response is clear and relevant to the question. Just a small grammar adjustment, you should use “should” instead of “should to”. Otherwise, well done! Good luck with your IELTS preparations.

  2. Teaching children or learners about health in schools can be realised in the following two ways. To start, one of the obligatory records teachers need to honestly maintain is the Health Check record book, and in it details about hair, nails, skin and teeth condition are kept. Concerns about the neglect of personal hygiene should be communicated to the learners, parents and guardians routinely. By doing this the school and parents would be working in partnership to promote good health in the younger generation. The other thing schools can do is also concerned with good hygiene – that is to ensure that children wash hands thoroughly before eating, especially the ECD children they need to be supervised. If children wash their hands before touching their food, cases of tummy ailments are likely to be significantly reduced, more often than not, once habits are formed they become established.

    1. Teaching children or learners about health in schools can be realized in the following two ways. To start, one of the obligatory records teachers need to honestly maintain is the Health Check record book, in which details about hair, nails, skin, and teeth condition are kept. Concerns about the neglect of personal hygiene should be communicated to the learners, parents, and guardians routinely. By doing this, the school and parents would be working in partnership to promote good health in the younger generation. The other thing schools can do is also concerned with good hygiene – that is to ensure that children wash hands thoroughly before eating, especially the ECD children who need to be supervised. If children wash their hands before touching their food, cases of tummy ailments are likely to be significantly reduced. More often than not, once habits are formed, they become established.

      Overall, your response is well-structured and provides a clear explanation of how schools can teach children about health. Just remember to check for subject-verb agreement and punctuation throughout your writing. Keep up the good work!

        1. Thank you for your response, Charlotte! I’m glad you found the feedback helpful. Just a small correction in your response: you should address the person who asked the question instead of “Miss Al.” Here is a corrected version of your answer: “My name is Charlotte. I find your feedback excellent!” Good job on your response! Keep up the good work!

  3. That’s an interesting question….. One way that I think children could be taught to become healthy in life is to start instilling habits that they can adopt in their formative years that can translate them into healthier adults. Among the things that children could adopt is ditching the habit of being glued to a television set all day long or playing video games. Instead , they could pick up a sport such as soccer, tennis ,volley ball or just cycling or running in their neighbourhood. These activities can also be done as extramural activities at school. By simply adjusting lifestyle habits, they will be able to shed off unnecessary kilos and stay fit. It even sounds better for them as they can become professionals in the respective activities that they set their sights on in early life. Wouldn’t that be rewarding for children and parents and definitely ‘killing two birds with one stone’?

    1. That’s a great response! Here is a corrected version of your answer:

      “That’s an interesting question. One way that I think children could be taught to become healthy is by instilling habits in their formative years that can lead to better health as adults. Among the habits children could adopt is reducing the time spent in front of a television or playing video games. Instead, they could engage in physical activities like soccer, tennis, volleyball, cycling, or running in their neighborhood. These activities could also be incorporated as extracurricular activities at school. By simply adjusting their lifestyle habits, they will be able to maintain a healthy weight and stay fit. Moreover, they could even pursue these activities professionally in the future. This approach would not only be rewarding for children and parents but also achieve multiple benefits at once.”

      Your response provides a clear and well-developed argument on how schools can teach children to look after their health. Keep up the good work!

  4. Tricky questions.
    I guess thay should to have lots of sports classes as physical activities classes.
    In these classes they should have teach students how to stretch effectively their health.

    1. Good effort! Here is a corrected version of your answer:

      Tricky question. I believe that schools should offer plenty of sports and physical activity classes. In these classes, students should be taught how to effectively improve their health through stretching exercises.

      Mistakes in your answer:
      1. “Tricky questions” should be “Tricky question” as there is only one question.
      2. “I guess thay should to have” should be “I believe that schools should offer”.
      3. “as physical activities classes” should be “like physical education classes”.
      4. “have teach students” should be “teach students”.

      Keep practicing and you will continue to improve! Good luck with your studies.

  5. I think they are already doing that. From small grades they teach kids a subject called general science and when I check my child’s exercise books I saw some general knowledge about basic sanitation needs. I also saw how the teachers discourage them not to eat junk foods. In my opinion I expect not so much from school especially for kindergarten and grade one students.

    1. I appreciate your response to the question. It’s great that schools are already addressing health education, but there are a few areas where improvements can be made. Firstly, it’s important to ensure that the information provided is accurate and up-to-date. Secondly, encouraging physical activity and proper nutrition should also be emphasized in addition to basic hygiene practices. Keep up the good work!

      Corrected Version:
      I believe that schools are already teaching children how to take care of their health. From early grades, they introduce subjects like general science, where students learn about basic sanitation needs. I have also observed teachers discouraging children from consuming junk food. In my opinion, I don’t expect too much from schools, especially for kindergarten and first-grade students.

      1. “they are already doing that” should be “they are already doing so.”
      2. “I expect not so much from school” should be “I don’t expect too much from schools.”
      3. “when I check my child’s exercise books” could be clearer as “when I checked my child’s schoolwork.”
      4. “not to eat junk foods” should be “not to eat junk food.”

      Good luck with your studies!

  6. I think there are some ways to teach the children hiw to stay healthy. Firstly, it is better that adding specific classes for doing sports. For example in my specialized school pupils used to do exercises after lessons because of our sensei tough us and explained deeply about staying healthy. Another way is that kickoff the fast foods and eating healthy foods also crucial in overall health.I believe teaching how to cook is more effective than showing any videos about healthy diets

    1. I believe there are several ways to teach children how to stay healthy. Firstly, it is beneficial to include specific classes for physical education and sports. For example, in my specialized school, pupils used to do exercises after lessons because our sensei taught us and explained in depth about staying healthy. Another way is to discourage the consumption of fast food and encourage the intake of healthy foods, which is crucial for overall health. I believe that teaching children how to cook is more effective than showing them videos about healthy diets.

      Your response is well-developed and addresses the question effectively. Here are some corrections you can make to improve your answer:

      1. Change “adding” to “including” in the first sentence.
      2. Change “hiw” to “how” in the first sentence.
      3. Change “tough” to “taught” in the second sentence.
      4. Change “kickoff” to “discouraging” in the third sentence.

      Here is a corrected version of your answer:
      “I believe there are several ways to teach children how to stay healthy. Firstly, it is beneficial to include specific classes for physical education and sports. For example, in my specialized school, pupils used to do exercises after lessons because our sensei taught us and explained in depth about staying healthy. Another way is to discourage the consumption of fast food and encourage the intake of healthy foods, which is crucial for overall health. I believe that teaching children how to cook is more effective than showing them videos about healthy diets.”

      Keep up the good work! Good luck with your studies.

  7. Schools play a crucial role in supporting children’s health mentally and physically. So what i think schools can do is providing physical activities classes this would be very beneficial way to promote health care. Furthermore, fostering their mental health by counseling psychologist due to the safe environment that he creats.

    1. Good job on answering the question. Here is a corrected version of your answer:

      “Schools play a crucial role in supporting children’s mental and physical health. I believe schools can achieve this by offering physical education classes, which would be a very beneficial way to promote healthcare. Additionally, schools can foster children’s mental health by providing access to counseling psychologists, who create a safe environment for students.”

      Here are a few corrections:
      1. “So what i think” should be “I believe”
      2. “providing physical activities classes this would be very beneficial way” should be “offering physical education classes, which would be a very beneficial way”
      3. “health mentally and physically” should be “mental and physical health”
      4. “due to the safe environment that he creats.” should be “who create a safe environment for students.”

      Keep up the good work and keep practicing your writing skills!

  8. Tricky question. I guess schools play an important role to make students become aware about the consequences and the importance on their overall health and wellbeing.Moreover, schools can provide activities like worksheets, and by reading stories or watching videos related to healthy foods.Students can participate in activities classes that shed light on nutrition and healthy habits. In addition, students should avoid excessively eating processed meat, candies, chocolate, sugary drinks and cakes on their over all health.

    1. Good effort in answering the question! Your response addresses several ways schools can teach children about health. Here is a corrected version of your answer along with some feedback for improvement:

      Revised Answer:
      “Handling this issue is tricky. I believe schools play a crucial role in raising students’ awareness about the consequences and importance of their overall health and wellbeing. Schools can provide activities such as worksheets, reading stories, or watching videos related to healthy foods. Students can also participate in classes that focus on nutrition and healthy habits. Additionally, students should avoid excessive consumption of processed meats, candies, chocolates, sugary drinks, and cakes for their overall health.”

      1. Replace “make students become aware” with “raising students’ awareness” for smoother sentence structure.
      2. Use “handling this issue is tricky” instead of “tricky question” to provide a more coherent introduction.
      3. Add “such as” before listing the activities like worksheets to improve clarity.
      4. Revise “on their over all health” to “for their overall health” for better expression.

      Keep practicing and good luck with your IELTS preparation!

  9. In my perspective, there are two plausible ways in which young learners can have a solid and fundamental understanding of how they help themselves to have optimal health. First, it is of paramount importance that the academe as a whole should have an active participation to make this into fruition. Firstly, they can organize some symposium or workshop that delves into basic routines that can eventually engage young students in having a more physically active lifestyle. Particularly, just adding simple exercises like stationary jogging or basic squatting can play a vital role in helping students avoid a sedentary lifestyle. Moreover, I consider inviting health experts to show the ropes of acquiring optimal health can be a good addition to the list of strategies on how learning institutions can help their young learners have robust health.

    1. In my perspective, there are two plausible ways in which young learners can have a solid and fundamental understanding of how they help themselves to have optimal health. First, it is of paramount importance that the academe as a whole should have an active participation to make this into fruition. Firstly, they can organize some symposium or workshop that delves into basic routines that can eventually engage young students in having a more physically active lifestyle. Particularly, just adding simple exercises like stationary jogging or basic squatting can play a vital role in helping students avoid a sedentary lifestyle. Moreover, I consider inviting health experts to show the ropes of acquiring optimal health can be a good addition to the list of strategies on how learning institutions can help their young learners have robust health.

      Here is a corrected version of your answer:

      “In my perspective, there are two plausible ways in which young learners can have a solid and fundamental understanding of how to take care of their health. Firstly, it is of paramount importance for schools as a whole to actively participate in this. They could organize symposia or workshops that focus on basic routines to engage young students in leading a more physically active lifestyle. For instance, incorporating simple exercises like stationary jogging or basic squatting can play a vital role in helping students avoid a sedentary lifestyle. Additionally, inviting health experts to demonstrate how to achieve optimal health can be a valuable addition to the strategies schools use to help their young learners achieve robust health.”

      Overall, your response is well-structured and discusses relevant strategies for teaching children about health. Make sure to watch out for repetition, such as using “Firstly” twice in the same paragraph. Also, be careful with sentence structure and clarity. Good job!

  10. It is very knowledgeable question. Probably , I guess, the young school child should be taught the importance of health and well-being to protect their health , for example, the keeping of sanitation, many children do not know the significance of sanitation to prevent an infection like using soap after toilet. Second, the schools should have supervisors, to improve the health of children to get an evaluation department on the environment of the schools to be appropriate to teach the children.

    1. It is a good start! Here is a corrected version of your answer:

      “It is a very relevant question. In my opinion, young school children should be taught the importance of health and well-being in order to protect themselves. For example, they need to understand the significance of sanitation to prevent infections, such as using soap after using the toilet. Additionally, schools should have supervisors who can assess and improve the health of children and evaluate the school environment to ensure it is conducive to children’s learning.”

      Mistakes to note:
      1. “It is very knowledgeable question.” – Change to “It is a very relevant question.”
      2. “Probably , I guess, the young school child should be taught…” – Choose one word “probably” or “I guess,” and remove the extra comma. Also, change “the young school child” to “young school children.”
      3. “many children do not know the significance of sanitation to prevent an infection like using soap after toilet.” – the sentence structure needs adjustment. Consider breaking this up into a clearer idea.
      4. “Second, the schools should have supervisors, to improve the health of children to get an evaluation department on the environment of the schools to be appropriate to teach the children.” – The sentence is a bit confusing. Clarify the idea and adjust the structure for better readability.

  11. I guess one thing they can do is to have awareness campaigns for kids and their parents which talk about the benefits of healthy food and the dangerous of junk food. As well, they should obligate children to practice morning exercises such as running.
    Junk food cause chronic diseases such as heart disease and diabetes. To maintain healthy body Kids should reduce eating junk food and practice regular physical activities.
    For instance, In Japan students in primary schools they clean their classes and whole school by themselves. In my opinion this is a perfect example for doing daily exercise and keeping children’s health.

    1. Your answer shows a good understanding of the question and contains some relevant ideas to help children look after their health. Here is a corrected version of your answer:

      “I guess one thing they can do is to have awareness campaigns for kids and their parents which talk about the benefits of healthy food and the dangers of junk food. Additionally, schools should require children to do morning exercises, such as running. Junk food causes chronic diseases such as heart disease and diabetes. To maintain a healthy body, kids should reduce their intake of junk food and engage in regular physical activities. For example, in Japan, students in primary schools clean their classrooms and the entire school by themselves. In my opinion, this is a perfect example of incorporating daily exercise into children’s routines to maintain their health.”

      1. “the dangerous” should be “the dangers” to match the plural noun “benefits.”
      2. “they should obligate” should be “schools should require” to improve the formality of the sentence.
      3. “Junk food cause” should be “Junk food causes” to match the singular subject.
      4. “For instance, In Japan students in primary schools they clean their classes” should be “For example, in Japan, students in primary schools clean their classrooms” to correct the structure and eliminate redundancy.

      Overall, your answer is well-structured and provides a variety of relevant ideas. Keep up the good work!

  12. in my perspective , the schools are playing an outsized role to encourage the pupils to eat healthy food like fruits and and vegetables .No no can deny the role of the families that play significant role in convincing their children to consume healthy food and avoid junk food as much as they can. schools and teachers are guiders they support the students moreover, they inform the students about negative consequences of consuming unhealthy food in the long term , in many developed countries like the united states and the United kingdom the students are eating junk food at the schools that lead to highest rate of obesity which has caused many diseases such as heart diseases and blood high pressure. to sum up , both have responsibility schools and parents to look after their children and inform them to distinguish what is right and what is wrong .

    1. In my perspective, schools play an outsized role in encouraging pupils to eat healthy food such as fruits and vegetables. No one can deny the role of families in convincing their children to consume healthy food and avoid junk food as much as possible. Schools and teachers are guides; they support the students and inform them about the negative consequences of consuming unhealthy food in the long term. In many developed countries like the United States and the United Kingdom, students are consuming junk food at schools, which leads to the highest rates of obesity, causing many diseases such as heart diseases and high blood pressure. In sum, both schools and parents have the responsibility to look after their children and educate them to distinguish between what is right and what is wrong.

      1. It should be “In my perspective,” instead of “in my perspective,”
      2. “No one” should replace “No no.”
      3. “Blood high pressure” should be changed to “high blood pressure.”
      4. Remove the extra “and” before “fruits” in the second sentence for smoother flow.

      This is the corrected version of your answer. Keep up the good work!

  13. That’s a tricky question. I would say that children should be taught how to take care of their health by doing exercise, eating healthily, among other things.
    For example, most children like playing football, which is practically the most popular sport nowadays. There are also other sport activities they can do such as, tennis, volleyball, etc. It’s just a matter of making them aware how crucial is to do an activity in general, in order to be in good health.
    To be honest, I don’t think it is that difficult to get kids involved in any sport they like, since kikds in general, enjoy any kind of sport activities. They just have to choose the one which best adapt their taste.

    1. That’s a great attempt at answering the question. I’ve made some corrections and suggestions for improvement below:

      “That’s a tricky question. I would say that children should be taught how to take care of their health by doing exercise, eating healthily, among other things. For example, most children like playing football, which is practically the most popular sport nowadays. There are also other sport activities they can do such as tennis, volleyball, etc. It’s just a matter of making them aware of how crucial it is to be physically active in order to maintain good health. To be honest, I don’t think it is that difficult to get kids involved in any sport they like, since kids, in general, enjoy any kind of sports activities. They just have to choose the one which best suits their taste.”

      1. “They just have to choose the one which best adapt their taste.” – It should be “which best suits their taste.”
      2. “since kikds in general, enjoy any kind of sport activities.” – “Kids” is misspelled.
      3. “how crucial is to do an activity in general, in order to be in good health.” – It should be “how crucial it is to be physically active in order to maintain good health.”

      Keep up the good work! Feel free to ask if you have any more questions.

  14. I never really considered it before, i think children are to small to know or think about their health. The only things that teachers can do is by teaching them about the function of vegetables and that we should eat more vegetables or the teachers can also held a sport competition since a lot of children love to playing around and sport is the best option.

    1. I never really considered it before, I think children are too small to know or think about their health. The only things that teachers can do is by teaching them about the function of vegetables and that we should eat more vegetables or the teachers can also hold a sports competition since a lot of children love playing around and sport is the best option.

      Your corrected version:

      I never really considered it before, I think children are too small to know or think about their health. The only things that teachers can do is by teaching them about the function of vegetables and that we should eat more vegetables or teachers can also hold a sports competition since a lot of children love playing around, and sports are the best option.

      You had a few mistakes in your answer:

      1. “Children are too small” instead of “Children are to small”.
      2. “Held” should be “hold” in this context.
      3. “Playing around and sport” should be “playing around, and sports”.

      Keep up the good work! If you have any more questions or need further assistance, feel free to ask. Good luck with your studies! Also, for more IELTS preparation tips, make sure to visit

  15. Well, I reckon that one of the most important things that schools should do is to help pupils develop a good habit of keeping hygiene, especially young children. It is be taught through books and stories or videos as children love to follow what they see.

    Secondly, teaching them about healthy eating habits is also necessary. They ought to know what is good and bad about their intake; for example, they’d better be aware of the consequences of energy drinks and fast food consumptions. So, they can consume them less or go for healthier alternatives like green vegetables or salads.

    Last but not least, sports. Schools should ensure that children have time to do sports or exercise to keep their body strong and healthy. I believe that if all of these become their habits, they will live with their good habits even after they leave school.

    1. Well done! Your answer is well-structured and covers the main points of the question. However, I noticed a few errors that could be improved:

      1. “It is be taught” should be “It should be taught.”
      2. “They ought to know what is good and bad about their intake” could be improved to “They should know what is good and bad about their diet.”
      3. “For example, they’d better be aware of the consequences of energy drinks and fast food consumptions.” – You can use “consumption” instead of “consumptions” and rephrase the sentence to: “For example, they should be aware of the consequences of consuming energy drinks and fast food.”
      4. “So, they can consume them less or go for healthier alternatives like green vegetables or salads.” – You can rephrase it as: “So, they can either consume them less or opt for healthier alternatives such as green vegetables or salads.”

      Overall, great job! Your points are clear and well-supported. Keep it up!

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