
1 = 692411
2 = Rainbow Communications
3 = (plain) white
4 = 2 boxes
5 = light blue
6 = 10 packs/ 10 packets
7 = (coloured) floppy disks/computer disks/discs/disks
8 = (a/one) wall calendar
9 = (a/new) catalogue/ catalog
10 = before 11.30/not after 11.30/by 11.30 (you can write ‘11.30’ or ’11:30′)

Recorded voice: Thank you for calling Millenium Office Supplies. If you would like to place an order, please press one. Your call has been placed in a queue. A customer service operator will be with you shortly.
Woman: Gina speaking. How can I help you?
Man: Oh, hello – I’d like to order some stationery, please.
Woman: And who am I speaking to?
Man: John Carter.
Woman: Right – can I just confirm your account number and the name of your company, John?
Man: Sure! The account number is 1 6 9 2 4 double 1
Woman: Six nine two four one one. Right, and you’re from ‘Rainbow Computers?’
Man: No. The company is 2Rainbow Communications
Woman: Oh, OK, I’ll just fix that on the system … communications. And what would you like to order, John?
Man: Envelopes. We need a box of A4 – that is, normal size envelopes
Woman: White, yellow or vanilla?
Man: We’ll have the 3 plain white please – but the ones with the little windows
Woman: OK … One box – A4 – white – just the one box, was it?
Man: Urm, 4 on second thoughts make that two boxes. We go through heaps of envelopes. As a matter of interest. Are they made from recycled paper?
Woman: No. You can’t get white recycled paper. The recycled ones are grey and they’re more expensive actually.
Man: Right – we’ll stick to white then.
Woman: Something else, John?
Man: Yes, we need some coloured photocopy paper. What colours do you have?
Woman: We’ve got purple, light blue, blue, light green – whatever you want, pretty much. There are 500 sheets to the pack.
Man: Let’s see … we’re going to need a lot of 5 blue paper for our new price lists so can you give us ten packs, please. Make sure it’s the 5 light blue though …
Woman: 6 Ten packs of the light blue. Anything else that we can help you with?
Man: Let me think … what else do we need? I’m sure there was something else.
Woman: Pens, paper clips, fax paper, computer supplies, office furniture?
Man: Oh, yes! We need 7 floppy disks – do you have those nice coloured ones?
Woman: Yes, but they’re a bit more expensive than the black ones.
Man: That’s alright. I’m not paying, anyway!
Woman: Right. Floppy disks. And what about diaries for next year? We’ve got them in stock already and it’s a good idea to order early.
Man: No – I think we’re alright for diaries but something we do need is 8 one of those big wall calendars – you know, one that shows the whole year at a glance. Do you stock those?
Woman: We certainly do.
Man: OK – can you include a wall calendar then, with the other stuff. Just make sure it’s got the whole year on the one side.
Woman: Sure – and do you have a copy of our 9 new catalogue?
Man: No, I don’t, but could you send one
Woman: Yes! I’ll pop one in with the order. You’ll find it a lot easier to remember what you need if you have our catalogue in front of you next time.
Man: Yes, good idea. And when can you deliver this?
Woman: Should be with you tomorrow morning.
Man: 10 Can you make sure that it’s not after 11.30am because I have to go out at 12 there’s only myself here on Fridays.
Woman: Fine – I’ll make a note on the delivery docket that they should deliver before half past eleven. Thanks very much.
Man: Thanks.
Remember to pay attention to both speakers. For example, in question 9 most candidates are listening to requests that the man makes. However, the woman suggests a catalogue and the man accepts.

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