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Useful Vocabulary

The phrase “further to” typically indicates that what follows is a continuation or an extension of a previous topic, discussion, or action. It’s often used in formal communication to reference a prior point or conversation.

Further to our recent conversations, this is a final request that you deal with the situation of your dalmatian coming into my garden.

The phrase “deal with” means to handle, manage, or address a particular situation, task, or problem.

Further to our recent conversations, this is a final request that you deal with the situation of your dalmatian coming into my garden.

“Roam free” means to wander without restrictions.

As we discussed, your dog roams free in your garden which has led to him ripping a hole in the fence and running into my garden whenever he chooses.

To “remedy something” means to correct or fix a problem, situation, or mistake. It involves taking actions to resolve or improve an issue.

I implore you to remedy this situation urgently before we face any more distress.

“Distress” can describe a situation or circumstance that causes anxiety, worry, or suffering.

I implore you to remedy this situation urgently before we face any more distress.

The phrase “in fact” is used to introduce a statement that provides additional information or clarification, emphasizing that what follows is true or accurate. It is often used to reinforce a point or to correct a misconception.

In fact, if you give me the money for the repair work, I will organize it myself.

“Take action” means to do something or initiate steps in response to a situation, problem, or goal.

I have taken numerous videos of your dog damaging my environment and I will do what it takes to resolve this issue if you do not take action promptly.

“Yours sincerely” is a formal way to close a letter, typically when you know the recipient’s name. The phrase expresses a respectful and formal closing to the letter.

Yours sincerely, 

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