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Useful Vocabulary

“Would you mind” is a polite way to ask for something or make a request.

Would you mind taking care of my plants for me?

“Take care of” means to look after or handle something.

Would you mind taking care of my plants for me?

“Delicate” means fragile or easily damaged.

I just planted a lot of new cuttings the other day and they are a bit delicate.

“Aside from that” means apart from or other than what was just mentioned.

Aside from that, it would be great if you could just keep an eye on the place in general and make sure there’s no intruders of the insect variety!

“Keep an eye on” means to watch or monitor closely.

Aside from that, it would be great if you could just keep an eye on the place in general and make sure there’s no intruders of the insect variety!

“Intruders” are people or things that enter without permission.

Aside from that, it would be great if you could just keep an eye on the place in general and make sure there’s no intruders of the insect variety!

“Contemporary” means modern or happening now.

Would you be happy with traditional Balinese style or do you prefer something more contemporary?

“Go over everything” means to review all the details.

Maybe we could have a quick chat before I leave and we can go over everything in more detail?

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