1.I am working as lecturer in English at XYZ University. I have been working there for the last 9 years.
2. yes, of course! it has been my career since 2012. I adore it, by the way. That’s why, I never tended to change it.
3. I teach my subject, do academic advising, and conduct exams.
4. For sure, my typical working day starts in the morning around 8 and it lasts till 1 pm. Generally, I deliver my lectures according to my schedule, and then I stay in my office for an hour to help weak students. After that, I hit the road towards my home.
5. well, I am over the moon by deciding so. It’s a well paid and rewarding job..

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  • Very clear answer. 


  • Your grammar is very good. However, I think you made a mistake in the sentence _______. I think it should be _______.
  • In general, your spelling is good but you misspelled the word ______.


  1. You sound very happy with your job! I like the collocation “rewarding job”. Your students are very lucky! Generally, you would probably want to give longer answers in part one of the speaking test. Here are some corrections.
    – I am working as a lecturer
    – That’s why I have never desired/attempted to change it.
    – I am over the moon by deciding to start this job
    – well-paid and rewarding job

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