Picture of Maria Victoria

Maria Victoria

Well, the outdoor sport that I would like to try for the first time would be skiing. Ever since I was a child, I dreamt of living in a country with a snow, such as USA, UK, or any country where I could wear winter boots and beautiful scarves that would keep me warm. So obviously if there is snow, definitely skiing is one of the activities that adventurous people will look forward to. This sport basically done in mountainous area where you can easily glide through the snow smoothly, enjoying the ice cold wind caressing my cheeks. It is a sport that requires endurance so I better be fit before trying this.

If given a chance, I would love to try this sport in USA, I will search through internet for the perfect spot where I could try skiing. I saw from my friends social media account that a particular place named Lake Tahoe is a wonderful place to do skiing. I saw them played with snow and it seems that their background photos shows a mountainous area, so I guess this sport is offered at that place.

Unfortunately, learning this sport would be tedious, because as a first timer I would spend more time learning the basic prior to experiencing the beauty of this sport. However, I believe in the saying that no pain, no gain, so exerting tremendous effort to learn this activity would eventually lead me to glide smoothly through the snow while enjoying the scenic view of the mountains and afterwards, sit back and relax over a cup of coffee.

I would like to try this sport because coming from a tropical country where there is no snow, obviously, this would be a memorable experience that I can share to my love ones.

2 votes, average: 7.50 out of 92 votes, average: 7.50 out of 92 votes, average: 7.50 out of 92 votes, average: 7.50 out of 92 votes, average: 7.50 out of 92 votes, average: 7.50 out of 92 votes, average: 7.50 out of 92 votes, average: 7.50 out of 92 votes, average: 7.50 out of 9 (2 votes, average: 7.50 out of 9)
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