Picture of Yudu


well, I’m gonna tell you about an outdoor activities that would like to play first time.

Well, Actually, when I was a child, I wanted to play cricket but I couldn’t try this game as it’s not popular in my hometown. I used to watch cricket watch this match in TV whenever I’ve got chance. So I know many basic things about it like the instruments that are needed to play this game are bat, ball, helmet, wicket and leg pads. I also know about how to count score like when touch the boundary line by rolling then the score will be 4 and if the ball pass over the boundary the score will be count as 6.
So still I’ve to learn many things so recently I’ve been joining a training center. Initially I thought it would me very hard game but i find it is not rocket science that mean anyone who really want to play this game , they can do it.
But to achieve the goal it boils down to your persistence , dedication and determinations .
Actually, when i was browsing my website, i suddenly saw the ad that was related to the crocket training and they offered 50 percent discount who would like to join it ,as I am really fascinated by this game so i would not miss the chance so i enrolled this training.

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