An outdoor sport I’d like to try for the first time, I’d say, is the Sepak Takraw, it is one of local sport in the Philippines and in South East Asia, it is a team sport played with a ball made of rattan between two teams of two to four players on a court resembling a badminton court and the fundamentals are simple and similar to volleyball, only the players kick the ball over the net instead of using their hands.
There is one place in our town, where I normally see mostly teenagers playing Sepak Takraw, at the park near the municipal hall. Although, there are many other kinds of sport where people are playing- like basketball, volleyball, and tennis whenever I go to the park, but I find the Sepak Takraw much interesting because it is quite unique. Whenever I see them play, I always have this kind of feelings that I want to try to play it and make me feel excited about. I’ve never tried playing it, I’ve only seen some videos on Youtube and Facebook and I don’t even know the mechanics on how to play this sport. By just looking at it, it feels very easy to do, but it is quite difficult. Using only feet, shoulders, chest, and head to touch and controlling the ball, I know that is going to be difficult to learn how to play it. I know it is going to be hard for me to learn the full capacity of playing the Sepak Takraw because it requires an ability where you need to move fast, be always alert and one of the hardest things is that you need to jump and flip your body to kick and strike the ball while in the air over the net. I’ve only wanted to try to play this kind of sport just to simply learn and experience it but not really make a career out of it. It is just I find it very interesting. Maybe if I am in my younger years, I will put more time learning and mastering how to play Sepak Takraw.

Roy Louie

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hello, thank you for your comment, I really appreciate it, though, my answer really not that accurately perfect. 😀 i still need a lot to learn.
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