I’d like to talk about surfing that I’m interested in for many years. I’ve seen this sports from youtube, which is one of my favourite youtuber enjoyed this acitivities, and It looks fun to me. After that, I’ve
been always wondering about surfing how much excited and playful. But unfortunately, I wouldn’t have an opportunity due to Corona virus and cold weather. If I start the activities, I would be my first day. So I need to learn how to balance on the board and pose with correct shape of body. But the Corona virus was unable to meet people and make us stay in safe house. It was almost over 2years. After that time, all the policy of lockdown was released, I got busy from work and study. Even if I lived in Austrila, which is one of the famous place for surfing, I couldn’t get any chances. I know there is the tons of surfing place in Austraila, but I don’t have time to enjoy it. It makes me sad. However, I had to come back to Korea, I thought I can’t do this kinds of activities in Korea, but nowadays surfing is one of popular sports and I could enjoy in Busan, which is closeast in my town just took an hour by car. I can experience it in Korea. Sadly, this season December is freezing, I have to wait another warm season that I can well play. Until that time is coming, I will practice swimming more and find a good place to surf in Korea.


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