Picture of Li


I would like to try swimming for the fist time. To be honest, although I already 30 years old, I’ still can’t swim in the pool or sea which depth over 1.8m. When I was a kid, my parents took me to the city statium where has a indoor swimming pool for children. They let me try to learn, but I’m too afraid and nervious at that age. Another reason is that my hometown is a small city where far from the sea, people don’t have much chance to swimming in outdoor place at that time. I admire other people who can swim freedom in the water, that looks so cool and relaxing. Moreover, people can save life when they take a boat or ship during traveling or vacations. I want to try swimming in the sea because I will move to Melbourne with my family in the next year. The coastline is extemely nice and the sea is quite blue there. A lot of people travel to there for watersports, such like surfing and diving. I thinkit’s better to take a short course to learn the skills and I think I would achive the goal next year.

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