I am gonna talk about skiing, the down hill skiing. That was the first skiing in my life when I had been in Finland three years. I grew up in North of China which it near the capital city, Beijing. Howerver there is not enough snow in winter to surport sportmen to ski. You know, in Finland it often snows very heavy in Winter. I would like to try the new thing, to adventure, in my mind. But for finns, skiing is like walk, they learn it in kidgarden.
So I went to a national Park which name is Koli by car. It took around half an hour from home, a small villiage where I used to live in. At first, I rented sking board, helmat, snow glasses. Those equipments spent about 30 euros. And also the vital person, a coach, of couse I had to pay.
It was so funny, I even could not keep the banlance when I put the skiing board on. Therefore the coach pult me to the training place where is for the beginners. Can you imangien, the trainers around me , they all were children, whose age was opproxmitely from five to senven years old. How embarras it was. Anyway, my skiing cource started. Although I fell down more than ten times, in the end I learned it.
Those people say a person who is more than forty years old is too old to learn skiing, I would ague that it is not true. I have done it. I have proved it is not true.


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