Picture of Deepika Gunasekara

Deepika Gunasekara

Nowadays ,a sheer volumes of traditional shops particularly ,retail shops such as garment stores have been replaced by online shopping platforms .Despite of having certain disadvantages,I tend to believe that the role of these kind of shopping outlets quite impressive interms of efficiency and convenience and the affordable cost they offer for the individual and it is a quite positive trend which continues to be valued.

Looking in to more details that how virtual shopping spots are meant be convenient,they tend to display a wide range of selection of items and goods at the convenience of buyer being at home .This facilitates the person who make purchases through online by which saving up time and money without waiting in long queues and spending unfavourable hours on the roads . Similarly,there seems to be variety of choices at competitive prices with the promise of money back guarantee if the person is not impress with the purchased items. Besides it’s a one click away to buy anything under the sun and bring them to the one’s door step with the great sense of satisfaction. All above reasons literally justify reasons why I am of the idea of supporting online purchases.

I concede that buying things online have certain types of downside effects which is notable and unavoidable for the most part .For example, identify theft and online frauds and impersonation are most visible dangers among them .However ,it is commonly accepted that the range of services and qualities of internet purchasing are more popular as opposed to drawbacks.

On balance,I would assert that despite being online purchases inconvenient at times in terms of security, people would enjoy a wealth of greater experience of online orders for items and goods if the buyer is responsible enough to not to leave personal data behind screen and it would be more secure ,convenient and cost effective.

Community Band Score

3 votes, average: 6.67 out of 93 votes, average: 6.67 out of 93 votes, average: 6.67 out of 93 votes, average: 6.67 out of 93 votes, average: 6.67 out of 93 votes, average: 6.67 out of 93 votes, average: 6.67 out of 93 votes, average: 6.67 out of 93 votes, average: 6.67 out of 9 (3 votes, average: 6.67 out of 9)
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  • This is a really good answer, I can’t see any mistakes.
  • Great vocabulary, I didn’t know the word _____ and ______.
  • Very clever ideas. They clearly relate to the question. 


  • Your grammar is very good. However, I think you made a mistake in the sentence _______. I think it should be _______.
  • Your introduction/overview is really good. However, I think ______ is a mistake. It should be _________.
  • In general, your spelling is good but you misspelled the word ______. 


  1. Hey Deepika, you are forgetting to put a space between the comma and the next word: “Nowadays ,a”. Your vocabulary is very good and you have good ideas. However, some of your ideas are weak: “with the promise of money back guarantee if the person is not impress with the purchased items.”- physical stores also offer refunds. “if the buyer is responsible enough to not to leave personal data behind screen”- don’t come up with new ideas in your conclusion. Have a look at this lesson for how to write body paragraphs: https://englishprotips.com/lessons/how-to-write-the-body-paragraphs/
    This lesson will help you with how to write a conclusion: https://englishprotips.com/lessons/how-to-write-a-conclusion/

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