The charts below illustrate the difference in proportions of vehicles registered in Norway: electric, hybrid ( electric and petrol), petrol, and diesel) over a 30 year period between 2008, 2018, and an estimation for 2028.
Overall, Petrol was the most popular fuel used in registered cars in 2008, followed by Diesel and Hybrid cars; while, in 2018 Diesel automobiles were more used than petrol cars, dropping petrol cars in a second-place; hybrid cars also had increased the percentage of use in Norway and, Fully electric cars climb into the market. By 2028 is expected those trends continue changing, where Full electric vehicles will take the first position.
Petrol cars in Norway were the most vehicles registered in 2008 with 69% but, throughout the 10 year period they have experienced a constant reduction; by 2018, there was a moderate drop with only 39% of petrol cars; different from Diesel vehicles which started with 30% in 2008 and, it had increased 16% by 2018 with a total of 46% at the end of that period.
Hybrid automobiles start off in 2008 with a slight 1% and had experienced a rise of about 10% at the end of 2018. Like Hybrid cars, full-electric vehicles had begun register with a minimal 4% in 2018. Finally, in 2028 full-electric cars are expected to jump up to the first place as the most enrollment cars in Norway with 32%, behind them with only 2 points less (30%) electric and petrol cars (hybrid) can be found, followed by Diesel vehicles in third place with 27% and, petrol automobiles with a significant decrease of 11%.
Very well written!
thanks, Fion
Nice Yully ????
+ Clear introduction
+ Clear overview
+ Clear structure
+ Lots of good vocabulary
+ Great linkers for comparing the categories (e.g. “Like Hybrid cars,…”, “followed by”, etc.)
Some small corrections:
– ( electric and petrol), petrol, and diesel) – be careful with brackets: you have too many here.
– This sentence is too long “Petrol cars in Norway were the most vehicles registered in 2008 with 69% but, throughout the 10 year period they have experienced a constant reduction; by 2018, there was a moderate drop with only 39% of petrol cars; different from Diesel vehicles which started with 30% in 2008 and, it had increased 16% by 2018 with a total of 46% at the end of that period.” – it is unusual to have two semi-colons in the same sentence.
Please take the time to give feedback to two other members of the community ????
Thank you so much
I will give feedback to other members. Count on that.
Thank you Yully!