Picture of Yuri


The three pie charts illustrate the percentages of four types of vehicles: electric, hybrid(electric and petrol), petrol, and diesel possessed in Norway in 2008 and 2018, and an estimate for 2028.

Overall, between 2008 and 2018, Diesel and Petrol are the mainstream. However, it is projected that Fully electric and Hybrid will have replaced Diesel and Petrol.

Looking first at the data in 2008, 69% of vehicles relied on petrol, which is the most popular vehicle. In the second place, diesel vehicles were responsible for nearly one-third of all the vehicles. Lastly, the hybrid was to blame for 1%.

Turning to the data in 2018, diesel vehicles captured the highest share with 26%, while there was a significant decrease in the percentage of petrol vehicles to 39%. Next, hybrid vehicles contributed 11%, whereas fully electric vehicles accounted for 4%.

Then, fully electric vehicles are projected to be the most common vehicles in 2028, meaning that it will consist of 32%. Hybrid vehicles are estimated to be ranked second with 30%, which is just 3% ahead of diesel vehicles. In the last place, petrol is predicted to account for 11%.

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2 votes, average: 6.50 out of 92 votes, average: 6.50 out of 92 votes, average: 6.50 out of 92 votes, average: 6.50 out of 92 votes, average: 6.50 out of 92 votes, average: 6.50 out of 92 votes, average: 6.50 out of 92 votes, average: 6.50 out of 92 votes, average: 6.50 out of 9 (2 votes, average: 6.50 out of 9)
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  • Your grammar is very good. However, I think you made a mistake in the sentence _______. I think it should be _______.
  • Your introduction/overview is really good. However, I think ______ is a mistake. It should be _________.
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  1. Nice one Yuri ????
    + Good introduction
    + Good overview. However, it’s not entirely true to say that fully electric and hybrid cars will have replaced diesel and petrol vehicles. Maybe you could say this: “However, by 2028, it is projected that fully electric and diesel vehicles will have increased their market share beyond petrol and diesel vehicles”
    + Good use of paragraphs (dividing the paragraph by date). However, you need to make more comparisons of the data. For example, “While only accounting for 1% in 2008, by 2018, hybrid vehicles made up 11% of the total”
    + Your topic sentences make it clear which time period you are talking about. 
    + Good use of linking words. However, “Then” in body paragraph 3 should be “Finally”
    – You start with capital letters for the categories: Diesel, Petrol, etc. but after that, you change to lower-case (diesel, petrol, etc.) Choose one and stick with it. 
    – “was to blame” is not the right expression for describing data. A better phrase could be “Lastly, hybrid vehicles made up only 1%”

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