Picture of Ale


Nowadays, there is a large movement encouraging a shift from petrol and diesel vehicles to electric vehicles. However, this shift has not been totally chosen by the masses. There are still peoples that are unwilling to choose electric vehicles. In this essay, I will outline some reasons why they are unwilling, as well as to outline how they can be encouraged to purchase electric vehicles.

There are two broad reasons why people don’t buy electric vehicles: they don’t want to, they want to (but can’t afford it). In terms of the former, people are put off by electric cars because they feel that the technology is not sufficiently developed. An uncle of mine was considering to buy an electric vehicle but decided not to after reading that he would have to charge it every 100 miles. This is very invonvenice for many people. As for those that can’t afford it, it is indeed true that electric vehicles are very expensive. They are a luxurious item, such as Tesla, and too expensive.

As for how to encourage people to buy electric vehicles. In terms of addressing the reasons why people don’t want to buy one, this situation is likely to be changed as technology develops and the cars become better. For those that feel that it is too expensive, this is also likely to change over time. In the future it is likely that the technology will be better and that there will be more manufacturers. This will result in more price competition which will benefit the consumers.

In conclusion, I have pointed out that there are two overarching reasons why electric vehicles are not bought by people. It is clear that both of these will be addressed in time due to the advance in technology. I look forward to it!

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