Lesson 11 of 14
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How to Write and Agree-Disagree Essay

In this lesson, we look at how to write an agree/disagree essay. This is the most common type of essay question to be given in Task 2. 

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Basic structure: Completely agree/disagree

In the basic structure (which we have looked at so far) we can completely agree or disagree. For this structure:

  • You completely agree/disagree with the statement.
  • You don’t need to spend as much time on T2. These essays are usually shorter than more advanced structures. 

Teenagers should have regular exams at secondary school, as this will prepare them better for life after leaving school.

To what extent do you agree or disagree with this statement?

Alternative structure: 70/30 structure

The 70/30 model is a good structure when you see good arguments for both sides but mainly agree with one side. So, for example, you 70% agree, 30% disagree. For this structure: 

  • You need more time. These are longer essays to write because you need to include 3 arguments. 2 which agree and 1 which disagrees with the statement. Alternatively you can write one argument for each side, but make sure that your argument for the side that you agree with is more convincing.
  • You show the examiner that you have critical thinking skills and also a wider range of vocabulary. 

Teenagers should have regular exams at secondary school, as this will prepare them better for life after leaving school.

To what extent do you agree or disagree with this statement?

How to write a 70/30 structure essay

You will have more to write about in the body of your essay, so you should shorten your introduction to give yourself more time to write the body paragraphs. 

Your conclusion should show that you see good arguments for both sides. Here is a useful structure to use:

  • While I acknowledge that …., I would argue that … because …. (see the 70/30 conclusion for an example)

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