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Useful Vocabulary

“Regretfully” means feeling or expressing sorrow or disappointment, often because of something that has happened or needs to be communicated.

I am writing to let you know that regretfully, I will have to move out of your apartment by the end of the week.

“Terminally ill” means someone has a disease that can’t be cured and will lead to death.

I have really enjoyed living in this beautiful place and I wish I didn’t have to leave.  However, sadly, my grandmother in Indonesia is terminally ill and has only months to live.

The phrase “on my behalf” means in one’s place or as one’s representative. It refers to someone acting or speaking for another person, typically to help or support them in some way.

I’m especially grateful for all the many times you spoke to people on the phone on my behalf when I couldn’t communicate myself.

“Fallen through” means plans or agreements that didn’t happen or were canceled.

She organized a place to stay but it has fallen through

“Verify” means to confirm or establish the truth, accuracy, or existence of something.

I can verify that she is trustworthy, will look after the place well and will always pay her rent on time.

“Bond money” is a sum paid as security, often in legal or property matters.

If you are interested, I can have her contact you immediately and we can leave my bond money with you until she moves out.

The phrase “suit you” means that something fits your preferences, needs, or circumstances well. It indicates that a particular option, choice, or situation is appropriate or favorable for you.

Please let me know if this arrangement would suit you.

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