Useful Vocabulary
A big change
Overall, while the school building, sports building and football pitch remain the same, the layout of the school grounds will change considerably.Â
Cause to move or be apart
For example, sports facilities will be moved and increased, the parking will be separated into different areas and where the canteen used to be, will be a new science building.
“Sizeable” is a synonym for “large”
As the school currently stands, there is a sizeable 200-space car park in the north.
To be all around something
The school building looks out onto a large playground, which is surrounded by grass on the east and south side and has the sports building and football pitch to the west.Â
To a moderate degree
The plans for the school in 2025 are somewhat different.
Make possible
However, there will also be a new roundabout, enabling access to a smaller 20-space staff parking area
To be made smaller
Additionally, the playground is to be shrunk; this change makes room for more basketball and tennis courts.