Well, To kick off I would like to talk about Rock Climbing, In fact, this sport took my attention for a long time and I’m really looking forward to trying this kind of sport.
Between you and me, I was planning to begin learning rock climbing with my first trip to Saint Catherine, this is a place in South Sinia in Egypt and famous for a plethora of high mountains and its magnificent terrains.
Although there are enormous mountains here in Egypt, this genre of sport is not very popular in my country and I don’t have an experienced friend, So, I’m going to join a climbing class and find a certified instructor to learn rock climbing basics and how to get start practically.
Initially, I have read a lot about this sport, like the type of climbing, the necessary equipment like climbing harness and carabiners, as well as the climbing clothes like shoes, helmet and so on…
I have thought about this sport because generally, I used to practice workout and go to the gym regularly, as well, I tend to change my lifestyle occasionally and get into new experiences, Furthermore, I have an adventurous spirit and feel over the moon trying new experiences and meet new peers. Rock Climbing has many upsides, physically and psychologically, physically will give me strong abs, great forearms, breathing. Psychologically, change my mood, see a wide range of places from above and feel like the whole world is below me and everything looks like very little cans or even nothing. Additionally, It’s a very good chance to contemplate the scenic and the fascinating nature.
I’m so enthusiastic about this trip trying rock climbing and learning it.

Marian Bassily

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Cool! I hope you enjoy climbing. Sounds like a fun trip ahead.
Some small corrections
its magnificent terrains – its magnificent terrain (without “s”)
how to get start practically – how to get started practically (with “ed”)
I used to practice workout and go to the gym regularly, – I used to workout and go to the gym regularly (“work out” is the verb)
So good vocabulary