I have always been fascinated by the energy and the speed displayed by footballers.Although this game is mainly dominated by the men it is a game that I’d love to try sometime in the future.It is typically played by two teams made up of eleven players in each team. This game is played on a large open greenery space which makes it possible for the players to run around the field easily without any obstruction.The players usually display a lot skills coupled with a high energy level and great speed,
I reckon that it will not be an easy task to learn how to play football due to the fact that a lot of energy and speed is needed to be a good footballer. However, I do not intend to play professionally because , of course there are well established female football clubs as well.I’ll be just fine learning the game for the fun of it and the sport is also a great way to exercise which will be of great benefit to my overall well being.I wish I’d learnt how to play this game earlier in my life but as the saying goes its never too late to try,especially what makes one happy and fulfilled,I am looking forward to my next vacation in Lagos where I will be signing up with Markis Female Soccer Academy.


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