Picture of Doreen


An out door sport I would like to try for the first time is football. I have never been interested in watching football before but I recently watched the world cup finals last year. It is amazing how funs of different teams become exited when their team scores a goal and how team members work together to ensure that they win the game.
During the game I loved how players were physically active , I think you need to be physically fit inorder to play football and because of that I feel like I should try to play it. However, when I think about the serious injuries that footballers get when they are playing I get second thoughts about it. Perhaps I should try it just for fun and as a way of working out but not as a career prospect. There is a school playground in my neighborhood where I could go and train, I don’t think it is easy to learn this game because it seems to be physically demanding and it would require a lot of persistence and training but eventually I think that I can learn it by doing a lot of practice. You know practice makes perfect.

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