Right, I’m going to talk about an open-air activity I’m Keen on trying for the first time and that would without a doubt be golf.
Mind you, golf is a Very tough game generally and it takes a lot of practice and experience to play. In regards to the location I would like to play this game at the Ndola golf club located at the road side on the west side of My hometown.
Having said that, I have heard the game experts say there’s no easy way to learn and get to play the game but to have a good instructor who dedicates their time guiding you on how it is done and gives you moral support. Apart from that, it is essential that you exercise some patience and dedicate your time, money and lot’s of mental focus in order to make it more appealing to learn and get better grips at it.
One of the reason I would be Keen on learning this sport is that its proactive and also adds a sense of beauty because of the Green surroundings that make it an absolutely stunning scenic area. And also the smart looking attires that gives a more sophisticated personality. Plus I would like to be like My role model tiger woods whose been one of the greatest players I know.


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