Outdoor sports are sports done outside the gym. for example football, American football and baseball and etc. ı would like to strive bungee jumping for the first time. it has an adrenalin booster effect on people. ı know it is not easy sport to do but it is worth to try. ı am by no means an expert in bungee jumping but, ıf you want to do an extreme sport, I would prefer to do this. ı saw bungee jumping in the documentary about an extreme sport. at the beginning, ı thought it would be crazy to do this. so many times ı have watched many jumping from YouTube videos. in our country, there are five places to do this hard outdoor sport. especially in Antalya and Muğla is famous for bungee jumping launching pads. these places are also rich in tourist attractions. ı have arranged a reservation to learn this sport from trainers for the bungee jumping in Muğla. ı have searched for this sport how to learn. what ı was learn is first, you should find an experienced trainer. second, equipment such as elastic cords and ropes which are very crucial to safety should be durable. then you will leave it yourself to space.


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