I am going to tell you about scuba diving, which is one of the things I would like to have a go in my life. This idea popped up in my mind when I was in high school.
At that time I was studying Geography, one of my favorite subject, my teacher had displayed a documentary film about marine animals in Australia to show the importance of biodiversity and it took my breath away. When I saw the various fish around the diver, the beautiful coral reef and the peace and quiet under the water, I found it really therapeutic, so I determined to go to Australia and try it at some point of my life.
After watching this documentary,I was really excited and I wouldn’t wait to jump into the sea, so I did some research about how I could go deeper into the sea, that is the first time I knew this sport, scuba diving, wearing a oxygen tank, a breathing equipment and a mask and swimming under the sea. It seems easy to learn the skill but it is actually not. First, you have to know swimming and second, you can only jump into the sea once you have did the training course and have passed the test, because it is dangerous if you are not careful with the usage of those equipment. Like you cannot go so quickly to emerge from the water, which bring damage to your lung.
Unfortunately, after graduating from high school and even from the university, I still did not have a chance to try once, because of the busy school life and work life, full of projects, deadlines and works. So I wish I would try it as soon as possible.


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