The two maps illustrate a lot of proposed changes about this school from now to 2025.
Overall, the school is predicted several changes in 2025, including: separating parking spaces; moving canteen, basketball and tennis courts; shrinking playground. There will be replaced a science building, added a round shaped road and more basketball courts. The school building, sports building, football pitch and main road will stay constantly.
On the top of the second map, there will be built a round-a-bout, which will connect the regular and staff parking spaces. The staff parking spaces will be close to the canteen. Recently, the canteen is located to the north-west of the school building, where it will be replaced a science building in 2025; meanwhile, the canteen will be moved to adjacent to the south-east of the school building.
There is planned to reduce playground by around 30%, where the basketball and tennis courts will be moved to. At the same time, there will be added two more basketball courts. In addition, a smaller parking spaces will be built, which is located to the south of the tennis courts.
The school building, which is roughly located in the center of the map, stays stable. Albeit, the sports building and football pitch will not change anymore. Furthermore, the main road will be always surrounding the south-east of school.

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- This is a really good answer, I can’t see any mistakes.
- Great vocabulary, I didn’t know the word _____ and ______.
- Very clever ideas. They clearly relate to the question.
- Your grammar is very good. However, I think you made a mistake in the sentence _______. I think it should be _______.
- Your introduction/overview is really good. However, I think ______ is a mistake. It should be _________.
- In general, your spelling is good but you misspelled the word ______.
Nice report Zheng Li ????
+ Good introduction
+ Good overview
+ Lots of good linking words
+ Lots of good vocabulary for describing location
– Be careful with the sentence order: “the school is predicted several changes in 2025” – “There are several changes predicted for the school by 2025”
– It’s not clear what structure you have chosen. You have three paragraphs but I can’t see why you have chosen these three paragraphs.
– Remember articles: separating the parking spaces; moving the canteen, basketball and tennis courts; shrinking the playground
– “main road will stay constantly”. “will remain the same”
– “There will be replaced a science building” – “the original canteen will be replaced with a science building”
– We don’t usually use “albeit” at the beginning of a sentence.