The table below gives information about the results of a survey on the percentage of UK citizens who drank soft drinks every day over a 7 day period in 2019. Overall, in four countries (England, Scotland, Wales, and North Ireland), 39% to 51% of the respondents drank soft drinks every day over a week, which Scotland was the highest and Wales the lowest. Coca-Cola is the market leader in all countries except Scotland.
51% of Scotland citizens drank soft drinks every day, which is the highest in all four countries. In Scotland, Irn-Bru was ranked first with 23%. In the second place was Coca-Cola , which was about half as popular as Irn-Bru (11%).
45% of the Wales people reported that they drank soft drinks every day, and top of the list was Coca-Cola (20%). Pepsi, Sprite, Irn-Bru, and Fanta trailed behind at 8%, 6%, 6% and 5%, respectively.
England and Northern Ireland had the similar trend that majority of citizens preferred Coca-Cola at 16% and 18%, respectively. By contrast, Irn-Bru was the less popular that only 3-4% of respondents chose it.

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- Very clever ideas. They clearly relate to the question.
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- Your introduction/overview is really good. However, I think ______ is a mistake. It should be _________.
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Hey Judy, very good answer. You have a very good introduction and overview, and it’s good that you are using a lot of high-level vocabulary like “respectively”, “respondents”, “ranked first”, “market leader”, “trailed behind”, “half as popular as”. Here are some tips for you.
Tip 1: Divide your answer into clearer body paragraphs. Leave a space between each paragraph and, ideally, have more than one sentence in each paragraph.
Tip 2: Be careful with superlatives
“the less popular” = “the least popular”
Tip 3: Revise when you change countries into adjectives.
Wales people = Welsh people
Scotland citizens = Scottish citizens
Thank you for your revision. Help me so much.