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Across many societies parents are having children at a later age. This increased age gap has a number of effects, including for the parent-child relationship. Despite clear disadvantages of this trend, I would argue that the advantages of having children later in life are more significant.

Those that argue the disadvantages of having children later in life point to the benefits of having youthful parents. It is often easier for children to have closer relationships with parents who are not too distant in age. This is true on a psychological and physical level: psychologically, younger parents are more likely to have shared interests, while physically, younger parents have more energy for playing games and sports with their children. However, I would argue that this is less important now compared to the past. In the past, people were in less good health relative to their chronological age. In contrast, nowadays, our life expectancy has greatly improved and we are in peak physical health for longer enabling parents to be physically and psychologically involved with their children at a later age.

There are two reasons why I think that having children later in life is advantageous. Firstly, mature parents are usually in a better financial position and are therefore better able to cater to their child’s needs: schooling, excursions, activities, etc. In contrast, younger parents are less likely to be established in their careers and not have the financial means to provide for their children. In addition, older parents are usually more emotionally stable and wise. This creates a more steady and peaceful upbringing for their offspring, as well as a store of knowledge and wisdom, which can be used to guide their children.

To conclude, I would argue that, because of the financial and emotional stability that older parents have, the advantages of having children later in life exceed the disadvantages. The fact that more physically and psychologically youthful parents have certain advantages over older parents is less prevalent nowadays due to the fact that we are healthier and more active than we were in the past.

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